April 2010

The Power Within

Story of the day: The Power Within

Do you remember Clark Kent, that mild-mannered newspaper reporter, of whom on one ever expected anything out of the ordinary? But whenever there was a sudden demand for action far beyond the ability of mortal men, Clark stepped into a closet, stripped off his conservative business suit, and emerged complete with bulging muscles and spectacular costume as–Superman! Superman, the one who could do what otherwise could not be done.

That is exactly what the Word of God is teaching us, although perhaps you have not seen it in those terms before. As we who are believers step into our identity in Christ, who we are, to whom we belong, and who is within us–we will find love, motivation, and power available so that we are able to do what otherwise we could not do. [Green, Michael P. 1500 Illustrations for Biblical Preaching. Grand Rapids, Baker Books. 1989. pg. 202.]

Quote of the day: Mortenson

“Go to the Bible for your protection, correction, and direction.”

Bible verse of the day: 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)

“All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness,”


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You that Your Word provides clear direction, protection and training in the way that we should go. As I continue to step into the identity in which You created me for, I pray to be obedient to what You are asking of me and to be still and listen to You so that I can hear what You have to share with me. Thank You for teaching me how to find love, motivation, and the power within to do what I otherwise couldn’t have done. I love You and I am thankful for this day!

In Jesus Name I pray,


February 2010

What’s your sense of direction?

Story of the day: What’s your sense of direction?

There’s a story about a man who lived in northern Michigan and decided to take a walk in a densely forested area. When darkness began to settle in, he decided it was time to head for home. He was familiar with hiking in the woods and felt he had a keen sense of direction, so he didn’t bother to look at his compass.

After walking for a long time, though, he decided he’d better check it. He was surprised to see that the compass indicated he was going west–not east as he had thought. But he was so sure of his own sense of direction that he concluded there must be something wrong with the compass. He was about to throw it away in disgust when this thought came to him: My compass has never lied to me yet, maybe I should believe it. He chose to follow its direction and soon found his way out of the woods and back home. [RWD]

So often we too can find ourselves lost in an area that we thought we knew pretty well. Maybe we think we can handle certain situations, or be a part of something that isn’t good for us.  And just like this gentleman, we think we can find our own way out of situation not needing the help of our compass, but instead we find ourselves completely lost and not knowing where to go. When you feel that you have lost your way, don’t discount God’s Word, because it will always point you in the right direction.

Quote of the day: Carter

“The Bible always points the believer in the right direction.”

Bible verse of the day: 1 Kings 8:58 (NKJV)

“that He may incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways, and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His judgments, which He commanded our fathers.”


Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray that You lead me by Your Word, which is my compass in all things that I do. Father, when I find myself in unknown territory, may I presume not to know it all and that I can fix any situation. I pray to rely on You for every decision that I make and that it brings You honor and glory! I love you and thank You for this day!

In Jesus Name I pray,


October 2009

Everyday Stresses

Story of the day:  Everyday Stresses

Stress can come in a variety of different forms.  It can range from money, finances, or even doubt. 

Doubts assail like gale-force winds, tossing us this way and that.  We wonder what to do, which way to turn, what direction to take.  We may even question our faith, doubting God’s goodness or even that He is there.  Like night storms, difficult circumstances terrify us, confuse us, and fill us with anxiety.  But God’s truth cuts through the darkness like the powerful beam from a lighthouse, providing warning, direction, security, and hope.

We aren’t abandoned to our doubts and uncertainties; God tells us to ask Him for wisdom, and He will answer…”gladly.”

Do you want to know what to do?  Do you desire to follow God’s way?  Do you need his wisdom for the decisions you face?

Just ask in faith.  He promises to give you His wisdom [Living Water:  for those who thirst, 2000.  Tyndale Publishing, pgs. 220-221]

Quote of the day:  Galileo

“I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use.”

Bible verse of the day:  James 1:5 (NKVJ)

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”


Dear Heavenly Father,

The day can sometimes be a little stressful.  I pray for wisdom in knowing the right way to handle the stresses that may come my way.  I pray to be prayed up at all times so that the manner in which I handle things is done through patience and even out of love.  I thank You for this blessed day!

In Jesus Name I pray,


August 2009

The Guide

Story of the day:  The Guide

Elisabeth Elliott tells in A Slow and Certain Light:

Two adventurers came stopped by to see me, all loaded with equipment for the rain forest east of the Andes.  They sought no advice, just a few phrases to converse with the Indians.

Sometimes we come to God as the two adventurers came to me–confident and, we think, well-informed and well-equipped.  But has it occurred to us that with all our accumulation of stuff, something is missing?

Maybe we often ask God for too little.  We know what we need–a yes or no answer, please, to a simple question.  Or perhaps a road sign.  Something quick and easy to point the way.

What we really ought to have is the Guide himself.  Maps, road signs, a few useful phrases are good things, but infinitely better is Someone who has been there before and knows the way.

Quote of the day:  Huisman

“Like a compass, God always points you in the right direction.”

Bible verse of the day:  Genesis 12:1

“The LORD has said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you.”


Dear Heavenly Father,

You are my Ultimate Guide.  I put my total trust and faith that You will get me to where You want me to be.  Thank You for leading me down this path and for showing me where to go.  I thank You for this blessed day.

In Jesus Name I pray,


April 2008

Finding your way home

Story of the day:  Finding your way home

     As I was taking Christen to school today, we had passed some landmarks that Joshua recognized and he remembered seeing them when he went on his fieldtrip.  He knew where he was even when I wasn’t with him.  Christen and I got to talking about remembering things when she was Joshua’s age and how she just like him, was always so good at remembering directions.   She knew how to get herself home if she needed to and how to direct someone to get them to our house.  There were times that she couldn’t remember directions due to the fact that she had fallen asleep or because she took a route that she wasn’t familiar with.  Whatever the reason, she always managed to find her way home.

    Sometimes in our lives, we take a different route than what we are used to taking, or better yet, we fall asleep and lose focus of God.  When this happens we become lost and no longer know where we are at.  My friend, once you find yourself lost, don’t allow the enemy to take you further away from home, instead shout out to God to bring you some landmarks that will help you to remember how to get back home.  You’ve already been there once and know the way, you just need a little guidance to direct you, and once you arrive home, God is waiting with open arms to welcome you back.

Quote of the day:  Rollo May

“It is an old and ironic habit of human beings to run faster when we have lost our way.”

Bible verse of the day:  Isaiah 30:21

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,”  Whenever you turn to the right  hand or whenever you turn to the left.”


Dear Heavenly Father,

Sometimes I may fall asleep and lose focus of You and the path that You have set before me.  I know that this is of my own doing and for that I am sorry.  Father, I ask that when I lose sight of You that You will send me some landmarks quickly so that I can remember how to get home as quickly as possible.  It is the enemies plan to keep me lost, but I know since I have already been home, that Your words will direct me and guide me back.  I pray for a humbled heart and not a stubborn heart as the stubborn heart will only keep me away longer.  I thank You for Who You are, for the things that You have promised, and for this day.

In Jesus Name I pray,
